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Disputes over betrothal gifts

Engagement, also known as engagement or engagement, is a prior agreement between men and women for the purpose of future marriage. In real life, engagement is not a necessary procedure for marriage, but it is still an important civil custom and has an important impact on people's social life. As a civil custom, engagement has its social foundation and historical and cultural background. Men and women who have made an engagement are commonly known as unmarried couples. According to China's folk marriage customs, betrothed men and women often have some property exchanges, commonly known as betrothal gifts. Although the engagement has no legal binding force on the parties, and the dissolution of the engagement does not need to resort to legal procedures, but the dissolution of the engagement often leads to the situation of claiming betrothal gifts from the other party, resulting in property disputes. Since the object of the dispute is the property relationship related to the engagement, rather than the dissolution or maintenance of the engagement, the people's court should accept it.

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