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Serial killer appeals death sentence

Post:2015-04-14    Views:1595    Copy link   

Convicted serial killer and rapist Zhao Zhihong is now standing second trial in  Inner Mongolia autonomous region's high court on Tuesday.

Zhao was convicted in February of a litany of  crimes, including murder, rape, robbery and larceny. He appealed the death  sentence later.

The court declined a public hearing based on a  need for privacy.

Zhao was apprehended in 2005 and confessed to a  string of rape and murder cases, including one in Hohhot in 1996 that was pinned  on an 18-year-old ethnic Mongolian named Huugjilt.

In Dec. 15, 2014, a high court in Inner Mongolia  determined that Huugjilt was innocent after reviewing the case and apologized to  his parents who have been seeking a review of the case for almost two  decades.

Two days later, Feng Zhiming, the former head of  the task-force that investigated Huugjilt's case in 1996 was arrested by the  authorities for dereliction of duty and misuse of powers bestowed on him by his  official position.

Huugjilt's parents, Li Sanren and Shang Aiyun,  received state compensation totaling 2.05 million yuan, or around $300,000, in  January.

They were quoted in the report as saying that  they would use the money to buy a new piece of burial ground for their deceased  son and move his remains there.

The compensation sum includes compensation for  Huugjilt's death, funeral and burial costs and compensation for  the 60 days of Huugjilt's detention. 

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